
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Nokia E72 gets a new update; Firmware now in version 52.005

Nokia has issued a new updated (firmware version 52.005) for its highly-popular E72 smartphone. It’s a small update, addressing few things like:
  • Changes in timezones
  • Adobe Reader updated to version 2.5.202
  • Default system start date changed (11/10/2010)
  • Clock time font changed — after a previous update (v51) made it appear smaller
  • Device Management fix
  • Keypad Autolock fix — autolock is now restricted to homescreen
As usual, we advise you to backup all your data prior to pressing any buttons. The E72 comes with UDP (Universal Data Prevention) but as we all know – something could always go wrong. Hence, keeping a copy of your contacts and other PIM data on a local hard drive is advised…
Source : Nokia Conversation

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Nokia'a First phone to world

In1987,Nokia introduced the first handheld phone and till today they are emperor in Mobile phone industry.
First and last reason nokia to become market leader was to understand there market.They have always made product according to people hence they were always called user friendly phone manufacturer.
Nokia got more popular by making lowend phone to attract rural market and they succeed in that also.Today they have connected many rural villages.

Nokia offers even greener versions of Nokia C7 and N8

Nokia two of the latest Nokia smartphones, N8 and C7, are already the company’s most environmentally friendly phones released to date, both rocking AMOLED screens, with Nokia N8 even containing bio-plastics and C7 using bio-paints. However, that doesn’t mean they can’t get even greener – and that’s exactly what the Finnish giant and Telefonica are trying to offer to the consumers in markets where the Spanish group operates.
And here’s how they’ll accomplish this noble goal:
  • The user’s start-up guide is condensed down to a single page, representing a 95% saving in paper.
  • The packaging is super small, just enough to protect the devices in transit, and 100% recyclable.
  • Education game Climate Mission comes pre-loaded and there’s also a link to the phone’s eco-profile – full declaration of the environmental impact of each model.
  • High-efficiency energy chargers are included as well, and they will remind users to unplug when charging is finished.
The “project” will launch first in Spain, with other markets like UK, Germany, Argentina, Peru and Chile to follow in the near future.
Source :Nokia Conversation

Which was your first nokia phone?

Mine was Nokia 5110 ......what about you guys

What was your first phone?

What was your first cell phone ever? And what were some of the "notable" features of the time?
If your answer is NOKIA than please be here...